My mom was saving this little book all these years. When I first read this, I was shocked. Was I really that much of a little nerd? My mom says it's more like I was a little nazi, enforcing good behavior. She said in reality, my older sister Dara was the boss, so I was always looking for ways to feel in control. Thus, The Bo Weevil Club.
(in front cover I wrote:)
Blood Type: O Negative
Allergic To: school, boys, doctors
December 1979
10 Mon
Kristi- Member
Michelle- Leader
Gloria- Member
Janet- Member
Pam- Member
11 Tues
Dara- ARCN
Amy- Leader
Tiffany- Secretary
Nippy- Entertainer
Max- Helper
12 Wed
Tamba- Entertainer
Dawn- Janitor
Teresa- Member
Terri- Vice President
Holi & John- Members
Julie- Vice Boss
(a few pages torn out)
20 Thurs
No Fighting
(spitting, throwing, yelling, or hitting.)
21 Fri
(the password is)
22 Sat
Don't slide down the poles
23 Sun
Let the nurse help you if you get hurt.
24 Mon
RULES con't.
If you are a Bo Weevil (Club Member), you must obey the rules or you will be kicked out.
25 Tues
26 Wed
Don't innerrupt when someone is talking. Be interested in what they say.
27 Thurs
If you are afraid of dogs, don't run from Nippy is a nice dog and won't bite. She mite smell you alot.
28 Fri
29 Sat
Bo Weevil (secret code)
30 Sun
(wrote a series of characters that look like heiroglyphics, could be the code?)
31 Mon
Gossip Day
talk about other people
1 Tues
Joke Day
tell jokes
2 Wed
Game Day
play games
3 Thurs
Play Day
play stuff
4 Fri
P.E. Day
Jump on trampoline, do exersises & climb & skate
5 Sat
Make Day
make things
6 Sun
Pet Day
honer the pets
7 Mon
Tips for earning a prize
Please try to bring little things to decorate the club.
8 Tues
When we play games, if you win, you get a prize
9 Wed
Help clean up the club
10 Thurs
Don't get on the roof without permission
11 Fri
Games We Play
Duck, Duck Goose
feel in the bag
Who's gone?
Seven Up
12 Sat
Around the World
Hide N Seek
13 Sun
Thump Party
Don't Wet Your Pants
14 Mon
A Bo Weevil's Promise
15 Tues
As a Bo Weevil, I will always do my best. I will share with others. I am a true Bo Weevil.
16 Wed
Our Colors
17 Thurs
What Our Flag Looks Like
(drew a picture of a very cute bug with 8 arms, 4 legs, antennas and a smile on a flag with stripes)
18 Fri
who's there?
Nuna who?
Nuna Buisness.
19 Sat
Did you hear about the doggie who thought cheerios were donut seeds?
21 Mon
let the leaders fill you out a form saying name, telephone,
22 Tues
phone number, & age. You must keep your form. We will keep a copy of it.
23 Wed
Everyone in the club must be 8 or older. (exept) for pets & visitors. We have bandaids
24 Thurs
& bandages if you get hurt. If you have to use the bathroom go in through the
25 Fri
back door. (go down the steps)
26 Sat
27 Sun
only 2 people on at a time, don't jump off.
28 Mon
Don't tell anyone the password if you are a Bo Weevil.
29 Tues
We will eat little snacks of the following:
30 Wed
coke (maybe)
31 Thurs
Our Club Flower:
Morning Glory
which means:
1 Fri
symbol of promise, love, kindness
2 Sat
There will be no dues. It is a free
3 Sun
club. If we go to Hodges, you
4 Mon
have to bring your own money. (all we by is candy & coke & chips for the club.)
5 Tues
Every time we have a meeting, Amy calls roll. If you are absent, we will mark it down.
6 Wed
When we have a meeting, if that day is your B.D., you get to draw out of the Surprise bag.
7 Thurs
When we have a conversation, we must take turns discussing things.
8 Fri
today we set up the club. No one has come yet, but Michelle is coming over Fri. 15th. She will help me.
9 Sat
We did not use the club yet.
10 Sun
I fixed the club up with tables & chairs.
11 Mon
today I got everything ready for the club. Nurse things, especially. Dara signed up.
(last entry)
written in back of book:
If you want to drop out of the club, you must sign a contract.
Good Deeds we have done:
help the teachers
support Campfire
(created a page containing a graph for Nurse checkups & listed all of my expected club members)
(created a page that was supposed to document all field trips)
(created a page for Roll Call)
date book came with map of United States in back, showing area codes. I circled Dallas, drew a big arrow toward it, and wrote "214, Dallas"
...and that's it.
Needless to say, nobody ever came to my club.
actual plans for upcoming slumber party
early attempt at making comics
list of cool cars (this was all in the late 1970s)
letter from Grandmaw (part 1)
(part 2)
R2D2 (came home and drew this right after seeing the movie
at the theater, when it first came out. I used a stencil-thing my dad gave me )
list made on a camping trip
more childhood drawings here -